Die Seekuh von oeoo

Donation total: 4.759,00€

How quickly time flies. Half a year ago we decided to support charitable organizations together with you as Royal Rider. Every six months we look for new great projects and all Royal Riders together decide which project will be supported for the next half year. Per order 1€ goes to the corresponding organization.

Our first joint project was the bee savers. Together we were able to donate an incredible sum of over 4000 euros.

Doing good is not that hard! 😊

Now it was time to support another organization. The choices were:

  1. Green Forest Fund
  2. One Earth - One Ocean

Both are incredibly important for our planet and deserve every support. But for the next 6 months you have decided, together with the other Royal Riders, for „One Earth - One Ocean“. For all of you who have not been in our Royal Family for so long, we would like to briefly explain what this organization is all about.

It is known to almost everyone that our rivers, lakes and seas are heavily polluted. Tons of plastic waste can be found in them. So called "marine lettering" is one of the biggest challenges facing our global society. Already today, there are entire carpets of plastic waste in the oceans. The organisms living in them are thus in danger. Many marine animals mistake the plastic waste for food and die miserably. They also suffer an agonizing death by becoming entangled. Meanwhile, we humans are affected ourselves. Microplastic is creeping more and more into our nature and thus also into our bodies. This is even already detectable! It must be urgently acted and exactly for this One Earth - One Ocean has developed a great concept - a maritime garbage collection! Special garbage collection ships are used to get rid of all the plastic waste. It is then separated and processed further. The idea is to remove plastic waste from nature before it breaks down into microplastic, or sinks into the depths and damages the environment for centuries to come.

So for the next 6 months our donations will go there. With every order you do something good and free the ocean from a small but important amount of plastic.

If you want to learn more about this important organization, please have a look at their homepage. It is really very interesting what One Earth – One Ocean is doing.

Of course, everyone would like to have chic, stylish, functional and comfortable riding clothes. But when you wear Royal Horsemen clothing, it's about much more. Your outfits should be produced sustainably as well as socially fair. And as the icing on the cake, through your purchase you are also helping great organizations that are so important to our planet. The fact that you develop such an awareness makes us very happy. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much. It's just great what we can achieve together! #royalriders

December 03, 2020 — Julia Schuster


stjepan ilenic said:

diese projekt ist eine tolle idee

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