Gerettete Haflinger Schlachtfohlen

If you follow us on Instagram, you've probably noticed that we recently rescued two Haflinger foals from the slaughterhouse. How it came about and why we did it, we will tell you today in this blog post.

It happened quite often that Instagram profiles asked us to repost their stories for the purpose of saving horses from slaughter. However, this happened on the page of Marina und die Ponys.

Whenever such a message came in, we told ourselves that we would also like to rescue horses or foals at some point. However, if you do not have your own stable, this can sometimes prove to be very difficult. Because there are considerable costs for the accommodation of the animal. Also the time factor plays a big role. In addition, the horses can already be severely traumatized. Do you really have the know-how to cope with all this or are people around you who can help you? When you look at the terrible pictures and videos on the net, you just feel a great need to help these poor animals. Nevertheless, it is very important to consider this step carefully. After all, it is not called for nothing:

Well meant is far from well done!

One thing we can assure you of: We've given this plenty of thought. The time factor was our biggest obstacle. But Julia recently passed her bachelor's degree and for us it was clear - if not now, when?! Of course, the whole team will take care of the foals, but there simply has to be one person who takes care of the training and the distribution of tasks. Thus, Julia is the person who will take care of the two boys the most. She not only has the necessary time, but above all the necessary experience and patience for such a task.

Schlachtfohlen Nakito und Dean

When the decision was made, we contacted various people and suddenly everything happened very quickly, because there is not much time to think when it comes to a rescue. The organization Schlachtfohlen auf dem Weg ins Glück informed us that two sugar-sweet Haflinger colts were urgently looking for a home, otherwise they would be slaughtered. Since one should not keep a foal alone, we took both right away. For the development of a foal it is very important to have at least one playmate of the same age.

We got a foal grid for our horse trailer and made our way to Austria. It was already all very exciting, because we had only seen the foals from pictures. After a long drive we finally arrived. The next morning we went to see the two dwarfs and we were immediately in love with them. Little Nakito, who we now affectionately call Nicky, was still a really shy baby. He missed his mommy very much. Aladin, who is now called Dean, was immediately the daredevil and showed what he can do. However, he is also 3 weeks older.

After the two were well loaded, we went on the way home. This took much longer than planned, but the two boys took it pretty well. The unloading also went off without a hitch. Curiously, the two looked around. It quickly became apparent that they feel very comfortable in their new home.

Surely you are wondering now whether we will keep our protégés. In fact, we can't say that yet. In the first step it was very important for us to offer them a chance. They will grow up and be trained to become great family horses. And that's exactly the exciting journey we want to take you and all our Royal Riders on. There will always be updates about them on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. That way, you can follow along with what battle foals can become when they are taken care of. If you have any other questions, be sure to stop by there as we have already explained many things about the foals.

Schlachtfohlen Nakito

We look forward to our way with Nicky, Dean and our Royal Riders!

One more thing we would like you to consider. If you are thinking about rescuing an animal, please take a close look at the organization. Unfortunately, there are far too many people who see business in the plight of animals. This is not only the case with horses, but also with dogs... Sad, but true.

Have you already rescued an animal? Tell us about your experience! 😊

October 28, 2020 — Julia Schuster


Katharina said:

Euer Engagement beeindruckt mich wirklich sehr, toll was ihr auf die Beine stellt. Ich wünsche euch weiterhin wache Sinne und den Mut, Dinge zu hinterfragen, gegen den Strom zu schwimmen und euren ❤Herzen zu folgen.
Viel Freude mit den beiden Haflinger…. 😀.

Super 👍🏻 ich finde beide richtig süß 😊. Wann kommt das nächste Video von den beiden ? said:

Cool 😎👍🏻.Ich wünsche mir selber ein Pferd/Pony. 😊

Lenya said:

Super ich mag es nämlich nicht wenn Tiere geschlachtet werden

Super Action

Lenya said:

Super ich mag es nämlich nicht wenn Tiere geschlachtet werden

Super Action

Fan said:

Echt nett von euch das ihr sie rettet.👍

Emmy said:


Emmy said:

Echt cool Aktion Marina.

jcm said:

Mega tolle Aktion!
Weiter so!

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