Bees in danger! The bee as an ambassador for sustainable action

Donation total: 4.053,00€
It's incredible what you #royalriders get up to together with us! It makes us totally proud to have such an interested and committed royal family, which is growing bigger and bigger every day.
Not only is the sustainable idea in the equestrian world important to us, we go one step further with you as #royalriders and take on even more responsibility!
The constant exchange with you and the entire community makes us think bigger and bigger. There are just so many great ideas and projects to do for our earth. That's why we've decided to support a different important non-profit organization for six months every six months.
What does this mean now? Through every order at Royal Horsemen, one euro is donated to a good cause.
Of course, we weren't very surprised that you were excited about this idea, which is why #royalriders were asked to help decide which organization to support first.
For the first 6 months, there were two projects to choose from:
A: Plant trees with Plant for the Planet
B: Save bees with the bee savers
In the end, the bee rescuers won. It is a very important project, because bee mortality is extreme. Unfortunately, the hardworking helpers lack habitat. It is imperative that something is done about this! Did you know that life on earth is not possible without bees? Probably many people are not even aware of this.
We are happy to be able to help together with you as #royalrider!
How exactly we can help, we'll explain now.
The educational project "The Bee Rescuers" offers various ways to support the project. Sponsorships of bees can be taken over and financial help can be given so that flower and herb meadows can be planted. There is also the opportunity to support the join-in box for daycare centers and schools. Here the kids get to know and appreciate the busy little bee right away.
If you are interested in saving bees and our donation project even more, the best thing to do is to take a look at the Bee Rescuers website. There is so much more information there that would simply blow up this blog post.
We are very excited to see where our journey with you as #royalrider will take us and what we will support.
Every day a little more sustainability, for the love of our earth and for the love of our fellow human beings <3
Kathrin said:
Weiter so! Ein bisschen abgeben kann jeder von uns!
Jcm G said:
Rebekka said: